Industrial Autoclaves & Steam Sterilisers
Priorclave built our first industrial autoclave in 1988–and that sterilisation equipment is still running reliably, more than 35 years later. What’s our secret?
Thoughtful design.
Priorclave removes every complexity that might become the source of an equipment problem: fewer moving parts to seize up; fewer seals to break; fewer sensors to fail; a time-tested chamber design; a rugged, flexible, fully programmable computerised control system.
The result: less water wasted, less electricity consumed, less time spent on maintenance and repair, greater value at lower cost.
Priorclave Steam Sterilisers: the Best Autoclave for Educational or Research Laboratory
Many experts would have you believe that every autoclave needs a steam generator and a steam jacket. This can indeed be the case in high-throughput settings, like hospital central sterilising departments and pharmaceutical production. But more often than not these features are unnecessary—especially in research, educational, testing, and quality assurance labs. In these settings the higher part count that comes with independent steam generators and jacketed chambers drive up costs while hampering flexibility. The result is a more expensive, less efficient lab autoclave that spends more time offline for maintenance and repair.
Priorclave autoclave sterilisers are designed to help you spend more time and budget on your work, and less on your lab equipment. From the start, our sterilisers have been optimised for robust laboratory and industrial use: one to five cycles per day, with extremely flexible programming parameters, able to maintain reliable high-temperature operation for prolonged periods without sacrificing on daily utility. Priorclaves are especially well suited to daily media preparation and waste loads, lab glassware sterilisation, quality assurance, and destruction/shelf-life testing.
Priorclave steam sterilisers are uniquely durable and reliable for research.
They last longer, are more easily repaired, and are infrequently offline for maintenance and repair. We pay attention to details—like standard seals and components, hinged (rather than sliding) doors, and cross-contamination fighting Biomaster coatings—that increase ease-of-maintenance and durability.
Priorclave laboratory autoclaves are especially efficient.
When the University of Alabama at Birmingham compared their steam-jacketed auotclaves and non-jacketed Priorclaves side by side, they found that jacketed autoclaves used in excess of 30 times more water—with no corresponding benefit. In the field, Priorclave autoclave operating costs have been documented at more than 80% lower than operating costs for same-capacity, same-capability jacketed autoclaves.
Priorclave industrial autoclaves are flexible.
Because Priorclaves were designed for general lab and industrial use globally—not narrow medical applications in a specific region—they have an extremely open design and control system. This has proven very useful for research and development, accelerated aging, and labs around the world doing innovative work for which “off-the-shelf” tools have yet to be built.
Priorclave steam sterilisers use a programmable control system to reduce human error.
Every model—from the smallest benchtop to the largest custom pass-through—comes with the same robust programmable control system. Tactrol Custom Control makes it simple to create custom cycles that still permit for a one-button start. With multiple levels of user access and options for separate lab tech and intern/student programs, Tactrol allows for all kinds of laboratory use.
Priorclave stands by our autoclave sterilisers.
Our industrial autoclaves are covered by some of the most supportive and comprehensive warranty and service agreements in the world. We maintain a global network of exclusive, factory-trained distributors, supporting our autoclaves. Our exclusive distributors maintain local offices and teams in dozens of countries, including Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, and elsewhere. In the European Union Priorclave autoclave sales and service are primarily handled by VWR International, an internationally recognised provider of integrated, tailored solutions for the life sciences, biotechnology, education, electronics, and pharmaceutical sectors.
Steam Autoclaves
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An Efficient Autoclave for Every Lab
Priorclave is pleased to continue to offer three ranges of autoclaves, each customisable to meet the unique demands of any lab without compromising on the fundamentals: safety, reliability, and sustainability.
- The Base range covers “the basics”—standard lab work (including media preparation), waste loads, and the like. These autoclaves are available in many sizes and configurations, ranging from small benchtop models to large pass-through autoclaves, as well as top-loading models.
- The Smart range of sterilisers are vacuum-equipped for greater flexibility. They can handle autoclave sterilisation of a wider range of loads (including mixed loads), produce drier loads, and offer expanded programming functions. These are available in front-loading, top-loading, and pass-through configurations, sized for any lab.
- The Performance range are mid-sized and larger sterilisers optimised for “power users.” All models are vacuum-equipped and steam jacketed. They’re ready to handle more load types, more loads per day, and produce dryer loads more quickly.
Currently, there are more than 70 standard Priorclave autoclave models to choose from. Every model, from the smallest benchtop to the largest custom pass-through, incorporates the very latest version of our fully programmable and customisable Tactrol Control System, developed by Priorclave for precision programming of sterilising cycles and one-touch operation (maximising flexibility while minimising the potential for human error).
The Tactrol Control System: Simplify Lab Systems & Sterilisation Processes
All Priorclaves are built standard with the same robust programmable control system, Tactrol. Without sacrificing the simplicity and error-resistance of a “one button start,” Tactrol supports multiple levels of user access, individualised programs, and the option of password-protected settings.
Researchers especially appreciate Tactrol’s preset Delayed Start and Media Warming features. Growth media can be prepared overnight and kept ready-to-pour when you arrive the next morning–without risk of thermal degradation, caramelising high glucose media, or liquid boil-overs.
Nonetheless, this flexible programmable control system gives you direct access to precise and accurate temperature and pressure control, customisable pressure and temperature ramps, detailed process logging, automatic cycle repeat, pauses between cycles, air ballasting, and vacuum stages (with optional vacuum and ballast features) and more.
High Heat & Pressure Sterilisation Equipment Designed for Your Industry
There is one way to be sure that your laboratory autoclave will perform to your specifications: Have it built to your specifications. Every Priorclave steam autoclave begins with a conversation. Our team explores your sterilisation needs and helps you determine the right configuration of the right autoclave model for your tasks, facilities, and material requirements. Then, that steam steriliser is built by hand in our London factory. Priorclave is one of the very few industrial autoclave manufacturers in the world that retains complete control of its supply chain by manufacturing all principal components in-house–including the 316L stainless steel pressure vessels and programmable control systems.
Education & Academia
Food & Beverage
Health & Personal Care
Test Laboratories
Life Science & Pharmaceutical
Veterinary Use
Agriculture & Environmental Research
Government Agencies
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Why Us?
Why choose a Priorclave autoclave?

No Pressure—Just the Best Service & Support for Your Lab’s Steam Steriliser
We back our quality construction and reliable design with the best support program of any industrial autoclave or steam steriliser supplier.
Priorclave has a simple goal: we aim to provide schools, researchers, and innovators with the steam sterilisation equipment they deserve—
Reliable. Flexible. Programmable. Affordable. Safe.
But most importantly, we want to give you the Support you need to get your laboratory work done. Wherever you are, we’re just a phone call or mouse click away.
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Explore Sustainable Labs with Priorclave at Medlab 2025

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