Priorclave Announces short-term Factory Closure
By: Douglas Watts
Category: News

From 25th March 2020 Priorclave has taken the decision with immediate effect to temporarily close its London based manufacturing plant and offices.
Although UK Government guidelines on the current COVID-19 pandemic have not forced this action as yet, the Directors of Priorclave have taken the difficult decision to take positive steps to protect staff, alleviating the need for them to travel to work and helping to prevent possible spread of virus whilst at work. A rapid decline in economic activity with customer and supply chain closures has also been an influence in this decision.
Priorclave will review the closure on a weekly basis as the pandemic proceeds and as soon as either it is safe to do so and if any future Government restrictions are lifted then manufacturing will re-start.
Although many of our customers have already closed or are in the process of doing so, Priorclave recognises the fact that other customers have vital roles to play in testing for and researching the virus or as part of the food supply chain. Without a functioning autoclave these laboratories may have to shut down, affecting food production and in the context of Covid-19, patient testing and research into the virus and possible treatments for it.
Therefore steps have been taken to maintain Autoclave Servicing operations during the temporary office and factory closure for as long as our customers require them.
Staff are working remotely in order to continue to schedule routine and emergency service visits but as they are working from home and therefore remotely from each other Priorclave request that contact is made by email to or from the support section of our website
We have also increased stocks of essential spare parts with our individual engineers around the UK to help ensure quick and efficient servicing of our autoclaves in key locations.
Until we get to the end of this unprecedented crisis can we please ask you to contact us as follows:
For all sales enquires please Email
For all service enquiries please Email
For all accounts enquires please Email
The Directors of Priorclave thank you for your patience and wish you good health in these difficult times.