Xmas Donation Supports Local Deaf Community
By: Douglas Watts
Category: News

This year’s Christmas donation by Priorclave is being made to the B.S.L. Community. This Maidstone (Kent) based organisation has been created by Deaf people for Deaf people, people that have personal experience of the challenges and barriers deaf people face every day.
The £200 donation from British autoclave manufacturer Priorclave will enable the B.S.L. Community to book a private subtitled cinema screening for Deaf people. It will help reduce loneliness by giving the community an opportunity to meet in a leisurely environment, giving Deaf people the opportunity to watch a film with access to subtitles. This is an ongoing issue nationwide, with only two subtitled films a week on average as opposed to 50-80 films shown without subtitles!
The organisation uses its profits for projects that support, empower and engage the deaf community, through employment, workshops, or one to one training and peer support.
To find out more about the BSL Community visit: www.bslcommunity.org.uk