Sheep, iPads, and Emma Watson: Promising Veterinary Research Takes on Neurodegenerative Disorders
By: Priorclave North America
Categories: Benchtop Autoclaves Large Capacity Autoclaves

Their association with nursery rhymes and farm yards relegates them to a quaint corner of reality for most people, but veterinary scientists know better: Sheep are helping us find ways to spare our elders from suffering neurodegenerative disorders.
Sheep Are the Future of Studying Brain Disfunction
Scientists at the University of Cambridge in the UK, one of Priorclave’s veterinary research partners, have published results of a study that shows sheep can be trained to recognize specific human faces—like those of Emma Watson and Barack Obama—and will recognize the face of their handler without training.
Being a social animal—like humans—this facial recognition ability means sheep can be useful for better understanding neurodegenerative disorders like Huntington’s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease. Their life span and brain size make them a good animal model for the study of human conditions.
Durable, Programmable Autoclaves Make Veterinary Research Easier
Priorclave understands how vital veterinary research is to the forward progress of so many disciplines—from animal husbandry to advanced research battling complex human diseases. We regularly match labs with efficient, robust autoclaves in all sizes, from 40L tabletop models to 320L pass-through units, and up—customized for their needs.
Start a conversation; we’re interested in finding the most sustainable solution to your problem.
[Photo credit: Atli Harðarson, CC BY-ND 2.0]