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Why Biotech Incubators Matter
When Dr. Gary Niehaus came to Ohio in 1985, the entire region was in a slump. The so-called “Rust Belt” had lost its traditional manufacturing base, but failed to replace […]

Improving Speed and Accuracy in Our Food Safety System
In July, an Amsterdam-bound Delta Airlines flight out of Detroit was diverted to New York City after it was discovered that “a portion” of hot meals they’d served were spoiled, […]

Corporate Greenwashing: Are You Wasting Resources on “Eco-Friendly” Autoclaves?
Industry efforts to reduce our carbon footprint have spawned a lot of “sustainable” promises. All too often, these prove to be little more than sales pitches with a heavy coat […]

Improving the Sustainability Scorecard in North American Labs
At Priorclave North America, our goal is to make a difference. Specifically, we want to reduce labs’ environmental consequences—which can be startlingly high—while making it easier to get important work […]

Regulated Garbage: Regional Airports Autoclave Food Waste
Any plane that’s been out of the country must have all of its contents inspected every time it comes back to a US airport. That includes what’s in the trash […]

Top 5 Reasons You Might Choose Vacuum Features on Your New Autoclave
Not all autoclaves include vacuum features, because not every lab needs them. There’s no value in having a feature you never use, which still might break and force your entire […]

What Water is Best for My Autoclave?
With increasing federal demands and support, many U.S. cities and public water systems are addressing water quality issues in their communities with major infrastructure projects. This is so important; keeping […]

Brazil is the Biotech Powerhouse We Need Now More than Ever
Since the advent of modern agri-biotech in the 1990s, Latin America has been vital, with Brazil quickly taking on a central role. Today, Brazil is second only to the United […]

Is it OK to Reuse Pipette Tips?
There’s long been a lively online debate about the merits of reusing pipette tips, versus sending them to landfills. This is despite the fact that for at least two decades […]

Three Shortcomings of ‘Cold Sterilization’ for Mushroom Substrate
“Cold sterilization” of mushroom substrate is popular with early stage commercial mushroom growing operations. It’s low-tech, DIY, and can be cost effective. But cold sterilization isn’t always effective, and many […]

Addressing the Carbon Impact of Biotech & Pharma Research in 2024
Are research labs playing their part in stemming the rising tides of global climate change? Last month My Green Lab released their latest report on the carbon impact of biotech […]