
autoclave news on steam autoclaves by priorclave

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We Regret to Inform You that there are No “Typical” Sterilizer Cycle Times

Lab managers are often frustrated to learn that there are no “typical” cycle times for autoclaves. It’s not that we’re being coy: There are an enormous number of variables that come into play, […]

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Keeping Your Autoclave Clean Can Save You Thousands of Dollars

  A lot of factors can bring your autoclave down—a freak power outage, a ruptured container, metal fatigue. But a healthy portion of the service calls we see can be […]

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9 Questions to Help You Find the Right Autoclave

Comparing steam autoclaves between manufacturers can be maddening. You think you have a strong contender, then you look at just one more website and suddenly realize there are massive differences […]

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Animal Research Facilities Save Water, Save Money, and Do Better Research

Animal research facilities go through a lot of water. From cage washing to steam sterilization, their water consumption is higher than most laboratories. And that’s not bad—as anyone who has […]

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A Good Autoclave Supplier Helps Veterinary Researchers Get More Done

Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) causes people and animals daily discomfort and distress. IBD can lead to other health problems such as intestinal abscesses, intestinal obstructions, and an increased risk of […]

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Architects and Contractors: Call Your Autoclave Suppliers Before Clicking “Buy Now!”

Sometimes researchers show up at a freshly built lab full of brand new equipment and are baffled and annoyed by what they see: The ultra-low freezer is too small, the […]

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Every Sterilizing Cycle Time Is Unique

We are often asked by clients what our autoclave’s “typical” cycle times are. The short of it is: there is no typical cycle time. The cycle time for any autoclave […]

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Choose Your Lab Equipment with Conscience Intact

For a quarter of a century you’ve been able to buy a kitchen fan that the EPA and Department of Energy have verified is efficient, even though 45% of the […]

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Fighting the Spread of African Swine Fever — Without Creating New Crises

African swine fever is a disease without cure or treatment that has a 90% mortality rate in pigs.  It’s currently affecting parts of Africa, Eastern Europe, and Western Asia, killing […]

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Sheep, iPads, and Emma Watson: Promising Veterinary Research Takes on Neurodegenerative Disorders

Their association with nursery rhymes and farm yards relegates them to a quaint corner of reality for most people, but veterinary scientists know better: Sheep are helping us find ways […]

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Bringing Accountability, Consistency, and Transparency to Autoclave Suppliers and Sustainable Research Lab Operations

Priorclave—North America’s market-defining research-grade autoclave supplier—is proud to be the first autoclave supplier in the world to carry My Green Lab’s ACT Label. As My Green Lab Executive Director Allison […]

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ERMAHGERD! Your autoclave is trashing your budget!

In a 2017 interview with the Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast My Green Lab executive director Allison Paradise noted that up to 50 percent of a lab’s funding is sucked […]

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